for family and friends
Man cannot persist in the state of consciousness for long; he must plunge back into the subconscious, because that is where his roots lie.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
You have in front of you a game that opens the door leading to the secrets of our subconscious, using subliminal messages and colors – the mother tongue of the subconscious mind. How well can you read minds and hidden messages? How well do you know one another? Are you skilled in coded communications? If your coding and decoding skills are top-notch, you will be faster in arranging all your colors on the common board...
Category: Brainteasers, Family game, Party game
Contents: 24 Archetype cards, 66 Color tiles, 12 Symbol tiles, 120 Letters+numbers, 6 Pointers, 2 Cloth bags, Rules.
Box size: 29cmx29cmx7,5cm
Skills: Abstract thinking, Strong Vocabulary, Empathy, Creativity, Focus and attention, Problem solving, Tactics & Strategy
Designer·s: Katarina Nikolic, Mario Eterovic
Illustrator·s: Katarina Nikolic
MSRP: 45€
IT’S GREAT because you get to read one another’s minds.
IT’S GREAT because you get to know some hidden personality traits (your own included).
IT’S GREAT because you will be having fun and laughing while you compete.
IT’S AWESOME to see that you’re on the same wavelength with someone (in color and mind both).
Cooperative PARTY GAME that brings together different generations through free-flowing creative expression
Winner of the Good Toy award for 2019 - A GOOD TOY is a prestigious award given by the Friends of Children of Serbia association since 1986, during Children's Week.
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Your presents locked in the gift sack are the goal of this party game. The key that will unlock them is at the end of a spiral road. The road holds many challenges. Players will have to act, imagine, draw, dance and connect in cooperation while the sand trickles into mystery.
Category: Family game, Cooperative game, Party game
Contents: A board, Sack, Padlock, Hourglass, Spinning top, 56 Cards, 12 Fin cards, 24 Mystery cards, Rules
Box size: 25cmx25cmx5cm
Skills: Empathy, Creativity, Focus and attention, Problem solving, Acting, Dancing, Fine motor control, Strong Vocabulary
Designer·s: Katarina Nikolic, Mario Eterovic, Aleksa Rogan
Illustrator·s: Katarina Nikolic
MSRP: 40€
No learning necessary, easy start. Suitable for large groups of children, younger teenagers and family events.
Children that can read can play by themselves.
Revolucya - The Key creates a great atmosphere for celebrating special events like Christmas and birthdays.
You have to take on someone else's skin!
A competitive, fun, acting and guessing party game for teens and adults.
You will take on someone's figure, facial expressions, gesticulation and voice in turbulent life situations.
Some of the characters will be easier to relate to, some more difficult, but exploring another way of being is always an exciting adventure that will motivate you to discover hidden qualities within that you may not have pondered before, and it will make you laugh long after the game is over.
Category: Acting-social Party game
Contents: Gameboard, 6 figurines, 54 Personality cards, 100 Situation cards, Rules
Box size: 20cmx20cmx5cm
Skills: Empathy, Acting. Creativity, Focus and attention, Strong Vocabulary
Designer·s: Katarina Nikolic, Mario Eterovic
Illustrator·s: Katarina Nikolic
MSRP: 35€
IT'S GREAT because you quickly get the hang of it and the fun begins right away.
IT'S GREAT because laughter is always a part of the game.
IT'S GREAT because many will surprise you with their acting skills
IT'S MIND-BLOWING when you play with people you know well.
Draw like crazy!
Face by Case is a creativity/drawing/fun game which encourages non-drawers to draw and feel successful and have fun while doing it. It can be competitive, or played as a solitary game.
Astonish everyone (including yourself) with your illustrating skills. In this creative game participants draw 6 cards from the deck. Cards contain shapes of head, eyes, nose, mouth, ears and hair. Each participant draws unique face using acquired cards. The result is number of different, funny faces and expressions.
Game consists of 4 decks of card. Each deck aims at different drawing: face, robot, dog or fish. Other side of cards hold parts of large puzzles.
Category: Creativity
Contents: 144 Drawing cards, pencil and Rules
Box size: 17cmx12cmx4cm
Skills: Drawing, Visual Perception, Empathy, Creativity, Focus and attention, Problem solving, Fine motor control, Memory, Logic
Designer·s: Katarina Nikolic, Mario Eterovic, Aleksa Rogan
Illustrator·s: Katarina Nikolic
MSRP: 17€
No learning necessary, easy start. Suitable for large groups of children, but also can be played as a solitary game.
Inspires children to develop their own problem-solving skills and grow into unique individuals.
Encourages non-drawers to draw and feel successful about it.
Wakes hidden illustrator in you.
Have fun making art!
Amazing games deserve a sequel! Continue to draw like crazy and easily develop your illustrating skills!
Astonish everyone (including yourself) with your illustrating skills. In this sequel participants draw 6 cards from the 4 new decks. Each participant draws unique face using acquired cards. The result is number of different, funny faces and expressions.
Game consists of 4 decks of card. Each deck aims at different drawing: monstrums, insects, machines or faces. Other side of cards hold parts of large puzzles.
Category: Creativity
Contents: 144 Drawing cards, pencil and Rules
Box size: 17cmx12cmx4cm
Skills: Drawing, Visual Perception, Empathy, Creativity, Focus and attention, Problem solving, Fine motor control, Memory, Logic
Designer·s: Katarina Nikolic, Mario Eterovic, Aleksa Rogan
Illustrator·s: Katarina Nikolic
MSRP: 17€
No learning necessary, easy start. Suitable for large groups of children, but also can be played as a solitary game.
Inspires children to develop their own problem-solving skills and grow into unique individuals.
Encourages non-drawers to draw and feel successful about it.
Wakes hidden illustrator in you.
Our team consists of designers, psychologist and anthropologist to ensure a creative, professional and innovative approach to board game development, design and production.
We specialize in board games which connect and engage different generations and profiles around the table, developing communication, emotional capacity (intelligence), and creativity.
Games that are fun, easy to learn, and generate good feelings all around.
- Revolucya, Resavska 84, 11 000 Belgrade